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  • Merry Christmas!

    2011 - 12.27

    It has been a very eventful month here at the Vaughn house. Our dog was sick, then I got a bug which was passed to my husband, and then I got in a car accident a few weeks ago and crunched the front end of my car. The accident was not my fault, though, and the other party’s insurance company is paying for my rental car and all $4600 worth of damages to my Aveo. It still scared the bejesus out of me, though.

    I am happy to say that it’s been an okay year. I still don’t have a teaching position, but my husband is doing well at his job; he recently got a promotion. For Christmas, my husband got me an iPhone, much to my absolute glee, and I am moving on up like the Jeffersons! I got to spend lots of time with family, and I got some nice gifts.

    I’m kinda sad that Christmas is over, though. I spent so much time getting up my tree and shopping for gifts that it all seems like it all went by too quickly. Now the new year is rapidly approaching, and I wonder what it has in store for me. Maybe a teaching job or maybe I might give it up. I dunno. I have some resolutions in mind, though the biggest challenge will be actually keeping them.

    On the story front I have made some updates to Mirror, Mirror, and I added a Historical Notes page where you can see historical notes by chapter for Mirror, Mirror. The story should be updated to Chapter 8 for everyone’s reading pleasure. With the holidays in full swing, I have not had time to update with any new poems, let alone edit them. In fact, I haven’t had one minute alone to do any writing whatsoever. Hopefully this last week that I am off I can get something productive done.

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