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  • Archive for February 22nd, 2015

    Great Sites for Teachers (Part 2)

    2015 - 02.22

    This is a continuation of sites that I have saved from various trainings throughout the school year or summer.


    I haven’t had much opportunity to mess with this program, but basically, it’s a free download that allows the user to save notes, web clips, files, and images and makes them available on every device and computer they use. There’s an app that can be downloaded to a smartphone, and there’s even a webclipper that allows the user to save websites to their account using the EverClipper. For research papers, Evernote is good for collecting information into one place for students to go back and access when compiling information into a research paper or project. Notex can even be shard with their fellow classmates, and the Evernote site even has some other fun goodies such as Skitch for annotating media and Penultimate, an app for iPad that simulates handwriting while combining the elements of Evernote with it.

    Today’s Meet

    This is an ûber cool site. I encountered this site in the middle school art teacher’s room when she was explaining that she uses it for good things. The neat thing about this site is that it can be used for a variety of things, and you don’t need an account to create a chat room. The url to join can be pasted into Schoology, and you the teacher can pose a discussion question or ask for good things at the beginning of class while taking attendance. What’s even more of a benefit is that students who are shy about participating in discussions out loud now have a voice and won’t be eclipsed by the “Eager Beavers” of the classroom. I’ve personally always been an avid instant message user with friends in my personal life, so this little program is amazing. And bonus: you don’t necessarily have to sign up to use. Now, I do have a bit of experience using IM in a classroom, and it’s actually pretty handy when you use it correctly. ReadingPlus comes built in with an instant message system in the program, and my experimental reading class loved it. We would shoot one another messages in class anywhere between a, “Good to see you” to “You’re awesome, Mrs. Vaughn” or sometimes a student wanted to talk about something that was on his or her mind since the messages between me and individual students could not be seen by others. Today’s Meet will definitely be a frequent flyer in my classroom.

    Teen Tribune

    Here’s a site where ELA teachers can find plenty of articles to present students to read for Articles of the Week. In my classroom, students read an article and then write a two-paragraph response summarizing what the article was about (main idea and details), and their thoughts on the article. There are plenty of free and up-to-date articles for students to read, and you can choose from many different topics and post the link on Schoology for the students to download into the Safari Reader. Bonus: the articles also come in Spanish, so if you happen to have an ELL student whose first language is Spanish, this can be a viable option for them.


    Here is a website that is a bit similar to Padlet and Spider Scribe. I actually think I might like this site a bit better because I love the bulletin board background. But it is fully collaborative, and you can download a free app for it, which is perfect for both teachers (who love everything free) and broke teenagers. You can use this in the classroom as a creative discussion board, sharing pictures, collaboration (group project brainstorm). There is also a free app for smartphones and tablets!


    I love this site! This is a great way to do a review. It’s totally free to sign up for teachers, and students can join in on the quizzes here by putting in a game pin given my the teacher. The students can use either their smartphones or their MacBooks to join, and it lists the top five in points in the class if you display it on the Smartboard. You can pretty well make up your own quizzes over any content just as you can with Jeopardy Labs, so it’s quite versatile. I have used this for reviews for final exams and grammar as a fun activity, and I’ve had some students remark to me that since Kahoot is more interactive, it helps the information click for them. Warning: there are NO friends in Kahoot!

    This is quite possibly the cleverest website when it comes to the creation of flash cards. I haven’t had a chance to put this into practice yet, but I must say that this would be great for the creation of flashcards. Teachers and students can sign up for free, and it allows the user to create their own flashcards. The teacher can create flashcards and share the link with the students via Schoology (or other preferred educational platform). EDIT: I have recently put this into practice with Romeo and Juliet for the students to learn the vocabulary words and play terms for each act. I figured out how to embed the Quizlet cards into Schoology so that the students can use this tool without having to leave Schoology. There are also different game modes the students can choose to help them study the words more interactively.





    Stay tuned for useful educational sites!