A Little About Me…
I am a teacher by day and a writing junkie on my free time. I love to read books, but my passion for writing outweighs pretty much anything else I do. I write both poetry and prose that I hope will be published someday, but I also do normal-people things like collect stamps and spend time with family and friends. I am also an avid World of Warcraft player, and I love anime, manga, and cosplaying at anime conventions. In other words, I’m just your average nerd.
I was born and raised in Central Illinois, and after my high school graduation in 2000, I moved to Southeast Missouri. In 2001 I met my husband, Jesse, and we married in 2004. We have no children; instead we have a very happy-go-lucky golden retriever named Andy and an aloof but very affectionate, blue-eyed cat named Bo. We also share a common love for aviation as he is a commercial pilot and certified flight instructor who left the industry to foster his blossoming talent in computers and networking.
I attended Hannibal-LaGrange College where I received a B.S. in Elementary Education — and it took a lot of BS to get it! I teach 5th and 6th grade Reading/Spelling at Greenville Elementary.