Just a quick post to let people know that my two good friends Rachel Stiber and Charles Gearhart are releasing their books soon! Rachel’s new book, Elise’s Choice will be released August 25, and Charles’ children’s book, Never Nurse a Grudge will be released sometime in September.
Rachel got her edits back and has been working on them tirelessly this past week, but she did send me her cover reveal, and if you will direct your attention to my Blogroll, I have added her website to help promote her. Charles and I were personally a part of Rachel’s writing process back when she still worked with us at the elementary school, and we helped with much of the initial proofreading. I can tell you that Rachel also has many, many ideas for upcoming stories relating to Elise’s Choice, which is why I hope this initial book does well for her. The ideas she has are really great, and I can hardly wait until she starts kicking around with plotting. I wish I could say more, but I can’t. It would be like telling your kids they’re getting bicycles for Christmas when Christmas hasn’t arrived, yet.
I couldn’t get the html code to work so I could embed the cover reveal, so instead, you can find the website for the reveal here. Again, the book will be out August 25, and to support my friend, I will most definitely buy a copy.
Charles’ book was supposed to come out in June, but because the end of the school year did not afford him time to work on his illustrations, the publishing company pushed his release back to sometime in September. The publishing website on which he is featured is here.
Well I guess that just leaves me to get on the ball about rewriting the rest of my poems from high school and finally getting to be a published author myself!